Visually Impaired Nordic Skier Fund
Reaching this goal will pay for 10 guides to support 10 VIP athletes.
Nordic (cross-country) skiing is a lifelong sport that provides skiers with freedom, confidence, and ways to push their limits. But for Visually Impaired (VI) people there are many barriers to Nordic skiing.
As a VI Nordic skier progresses from recreational skiing to racing, the expenses can become overwhelming and limit a VI Nordic Skier’s ability to race. All VI skiers require a Guide. VI racers pay for their guides’ travel expenses, meals, lodging, track fees, memberships, etc., in addition to their own. Essentially, a VI racer has TWICE the expenses of a non-VI skier.
The Visually Impaired Nordic Skier Fund, a fiscally sponsored program of The Utah Nordic Alliance, is dedicated to expanding access to Nordic skiing for VI athletes. The fund supports aspiring VI Nordic ski racers, develops programs to recruit and train more Guides, and aims to establish a youth VI Nordic ski program, ensuring greater participation and opportunities in the sport.
- $25 covers track fees for a day for one athlete
- $50 pays for dinner for the VI skier and Guide
- $150 covers track fees and memberships for both athlete and guide
- $500 sponsors a week of housing
- $1500 supports travel, meals, and lodging for a VI Ski Guide per race event.
Every donation gets us closer to keeping our VI athletes participating on the national stage -give today. Whether you are a fellow Nordic ski racer, a supporter of adaptive sports, or someone who believes in breaking barriers, you’re a part of our team.
Covers track and memberships for both athletes and Guides
Sponsors housing for one week
Supports travel, meals, and lodging for VI ski Guide per event
Pays for a full race event for a VI athlete and their guide